Saturday, August 16, 2008

night angels

i am somebody who just luv night...night is darling to good mood depends on the night..i am an angel at night and a devil in the mornin as well...night turn me on...i feel lovin others and doin terribble stuff at night...night can change me in anyway which nobody else can do...i luv wearin those short-short,lose-lose night suites and sleping wid a softtoy just do wonders for me....on the other hand i hate mornin...i hate sun risin on my just sucks...bcoz in mornin tat same borin scul....those stupid people by ur side..oh ho ho!!just dn't make me think of tat...forget it!

let's talk abt night again...tat lovely moon,tat lovely millions of stars around you and lightening everywhere...i feel like livin in a heaven wen i see night-time...

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